College of Innovation

Mission Statement: 

The College of Innovation stands as a beacon of transformative education, dedicated to empowering students with the skills and mindset necessary to tackle pressing community challenges on a grand scale. At its core, the college champions the ethos of innovation, arming students with the industrial methodologies of pattern making, prototyping, and production. Through rigorous training, students cultivate the ability to envision novel solutions to contemporary problems, equipped with the practical tools needed to bring their ideas to fruition. In fostering a collaborative environment, the College of Innovation not only nurtures individual creativity but also cultivates a culture of collective ingenuity, where diverse perspectives converge to catalyze groundbreaking innovations.

Within the College of Innovation, the Division of Automation and the Division of Process serve as vital pillars driving progress and advancement. The Division of Automation pioneers cutting-edge technologies and methodologies, leveraging automation to streamline processes and optimize efficiency. By harnessing the power of automation, students are empowered to revolutionize industries and pioneer disruptive solutions to complex problems. Complementing this, the Division of Process equips students with the strategic frameworks and systematic approaches essential for navigating the intricacies of problem-solving. Through a multidisciplinary lens, students learn to analyze, refine, and execute processes with precision, laying the foundation for scalable and sustainable solutions that transcend conventional boundaries. Together, these divisions epitomize the College of Innovation's commitment to empowering students as agents of positive change, poised to shape the future through innovation and collaboration.

Academics Covered

The College of Innovation exists to create tools to solve community  problems at scale. The College of Innovation trains students in the  industrial methods of pattern making, prototyping, and production that  they need to invent new solutions to contemporary problems, and the  College of Innovation provides the collaborative environment necessary  for great ideas to flourish. The College of Innovation includes the  Division of Automation and the Division of Process.  

Academics Covered In The College of Innovation Include:  


Measurement and Quantitative Analysis: Utilizing mathematical  principles and calculations to ensure accurate measurements and  dimensions in pattern making, prototyping, and production processes. Data Analysis: Applying statistical analysis and mathematical modeling  to analyze and interpret data generated from automation and process  systems.  


Writing and Reading: 

Social Studies: 

The College of Innovation includes the Division of Automation and the Division of Process

Division of Automation Manifesto

Mission Statement:
The Division of Automation exists to solve community problems at the scale of project teams, the Innovative Minds Academy, the city, the nation, and even the world at large by using automation techniques and technologies to automate or simplify tasks that are boring, dangerous, repetitive, or impossible for humans otherwise. Our aim is to improve the quality of life for many people while doing no harm.

In order to achieve this ambitious goal, the Division of Automation will spread knowledge of computer programming (as a pattern making, prototyping, and production chain), electronic actuators, and human process automation. The Division of Automation will support student projects and sponsor projects which play a role in education, manufacturing, communication, and entertainment, among others.

Division of Process Manifesto

Mission Statement:
The Division of Process exists to solve community problems by putting the power of invention into the hands of students and community members. The Division of Process enables individuals to solve their own problems by developing their own tools and assistive technologies. The inventions produced in the Division of Process are distributed so the world can benefit from our work.

The Division of Process focuses on design in three steps: pattern making, prototyping, and production. The Division of Process disburses knowledge about computer-aided design, rapid prototyping technologies, and manufacturing technologies in a variety of materials. The Division of Process sponsors or supports projects that involve design of assistive technologies among others, and the Division of Process partners with the Division of Automation to invent autonomous solutions to everyday problems.